Emilia-Romagna Music Commission and ATER Fondazione present Savana Funk at BIME 2023

On October 26th, Aldo, Blake and Youssef will play the irresistible groove of “Ghibli” at the Dock.

Our Music Export is ready to fly to Bilbao together with Savana Funk, selected by the BIME staff to participate in one of the most important events for the international music industry, in particular for the internationalization of music between Latin America and Europe, which held since 2013 in Bilbao (Basque Country) and, since 2022, also in Bogotá (Colombia).

From 25 to 28 October, BIME transforms the capital of Biscay into the epicenter of the Spanish-language music industry, bringing together professionals from Europe and America in a meeting where dialogue will be the way to strengthen the cultural and creative industries of both continents.

This new edition is divided into two main sections: BIME PRO, the congress aimed at the professional public, which will take place at the Euskalduna Palace from Wednesday to Friday and will be characterized by around a hundred panels in which over 250 professionals from all over the world will participate; and BIME LIVE, the program that will fill the city’s halls and outdoor stages with live music in over 50 free-access showcases, from Wednesday to Saturday.

It is in this crazy billboard – made up of artists from the Netherlands, Germany, Norway, Italy, Estonia, Portugal, Canada, Spain, Colombia, Chile, Mexico, Argentina, Cuba, Paraguay and Ecuador, as well as a large Spanish representation – that Savana Funk are called to represent Emilia-Romagna.

On October 26th, at 9.20pm, at the Dock, they will play their latest album “Ghibli”, the hot and dry wind that blows from the desert towards the Mediterranean. An album that looks to the south, to the colors and sounds of that part of the world, letting itself be guided by a central element: the wind that sings, whispers, overwhelms and carries with it. The wind that cleans thoughts and ruffles hair and ideas.
Savana Funk are capable of bringing together different cultures and worlds, harmoniously suspended between present and past, between Europe and Africa.
A contamination that is also expressed on a sound level through the fusion of grooves and melodies, in a rhythmic rhythm that draws on electronics and places the dance component at the center.

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Viralissima Reprise * Savana Funk